How To Transfer a Voter ID Card After Marriage Online : Check Complete process

Voter ID Cards play a role during the election. The persons who have the Voter ID Card are only eligible to cast their votes during the voting period. Everyone should keep one’s Voter ID Card up to date with the latest and correct information. 

The one reason to update the VOTER ID card is the marriage. When the marriage happens, the woman has to shift to another address. And the Voter ID Card has an old address. The name of the woman will still appear in the parent’s side home. The Woman must update the address on the Voter ID Card to the husband’s address. 

Earlier the process of the Voter ID Card is offline, we have to go to the ECI Office physically to put in the request to update the address in the Voter ID. But, in the digital era, the ECI organization has shifted the work online and provides the facility to update name, address, or photo online in the Voter ID.

We will discuss the steps below on how a person can transfer the Voter ID Card after the marriage.

Details Required to Transfer Voter ID Card Online After Marriage

The process of transferring the Voter ID card after marriage is made hassle-free by the Election Commission of India. A person who wants to request a transfer of a Voter ID card will be asked to share the document that will prove the change of address of the person like you can show the marriage certificate. Your name should be mentioned in the husband’s address or some document should specify that you changed your address. We have prepared a list of documents that can be attached for the proof of address.

  • The person can submit copies of the bill like Water Bill, Electricity Bill, Gas Bill, etc. 
  • If the Aadhaar card shows the updated address, you can show the Aadhaar Card.
  • The bank account passbook also has the address of the person.
  • You can show the photocopy of the Passport.
  • The person can show the land owing documents like Kisan Bahi
  • The rent deed can be attached as address proof or a Sale Deed. 

Note: The person who wants to request the ECI organization for the address change in the Voter ID should have the Voter Card on some address. 

What Is the Process to Transfer a Voter ID Card After Marriage Online?

The woman who wants to give her contribution to the elections will be allowed to cast the vote on the current address if her Voter ID card shows the current address. The person who wants to update the things in the Voter ID Card will be required to fill out Form 8. For a new Voter ID application, you have to fill out Form 6. Read on to check the complete steps for the transfer of a Voter ID card to the new address after marriage.

  1. Access the new portal of the ECI organization on the link
  2. Now, do the login on the ECI portal, the login button is given on the right side of the top of the home page.
  3. The woman has to fill out form 8.
  4. You should choose the option of Shifting residence/ correction entries in the existing electoral roll.
  5. Now, choose the option of self, and the screen will display the EPIC number of the woman.
  6. Then, the screen will show the Voter Details of the woman, if all of the details in the Voter ID are correct then choose the option to change the address.
  7. You have two options there, Within Assembly Constituency or Outside Assembly Constituency, choose the correct one.
  8. Click OK.
  9. The next step is to write the details in the Form 8.
  10. You have to write the State Name, District Name, and Parliamentary Constituency Name in Form 8.
  11. The Form 8 will also need the Email ID, Phone Number, and Aadhaar number of the person.
  12. In the next step, upload the document that shows that your address is changed like a Marriage Certificate, etc.
  13. Scan the correct form of certificate to upload it in Form 8.
  14. Then enter the captcha code in Form 8.
  15. Click on the preview button and check all of the details in Form 8.
  16. Submit the Form 8. 
  17. The woman will receive the confirmation message for the Address Update on the phone number as well as on the email ID. 
  18. The officials of the ECI organization will then verify the details submitted by the woman and cross-check the address in the submitted documents.
  19. On the successful verification of the documents, the ECI organization will issue the updated Voter ID with an updated address. 

Final Words

Changing the address on the Voter ID Card can be done online or offline. In the offline way in the conventional way of doing things, we can request the ECI organization to update the address in the Voter ID online. The whole process of online updating the address in the Voter ID is explained above, to the woman whose address is changed due to marriage or another reason can apply online for the Voter ID address change. We advise all of you to provide the genuine Aadhar Card, mobile number, and other details in Form 8 otherwise your application will be rejected. 


Q- Can I change my Aadhar address with my Voter ID?

Ans- No, a person can not change the address in the UID card while changing the address in the Voter ID.

Q- Does Voter ID have an expiry date?

Ans- No, the voter ID card has no expiry date, a person can have the same voter ID card for the whole span of their life, you have the option to change the details in the Voter ID card like you can change your address, photo, or name. 

Q- How to correct my husband’s name on the Voter ID?

Ans- The process to correct the name of the husband on the Voter ID card is the same as you have applied for the address change. You will have to fill out Form 8 to put the request for a Name change of Husband in Voter ID. 

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